
Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Get rid of Hardware/Volume Icons From Your Desktop in Ubuntu 11.04

      You may be noticed that when a new drive is mounted on your Ubuntu machine the  icon will be visible in your desktop automatically ,and it disappears when the drive is unmounted .Sometime I felt irritated of the same .So Now let us see how we can discuss about how we can get rid of this.
Step 1: Open Configuration Editor
    to do that hit ALT+F2 , then type gconf-editor and press Enter.
Step 2:
    Then go to apps -> nautilus -> desktop and simply uncheck (select         the row by double clicking on it) the box that says ‘Volumes Visible’.
You have done .thats all . You can see an instant change in your action Now your desktop doesn't shows an icon when a drive or a volume is mounted...ENJOY :-) Here is the screenshot

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Install a VIDEO CONVERTER for your Linux

       Some days before one of my friends asked me to convert a video for him..only that time I noticed that I don't have a video converter in my Linux System ..well I searched over Internet and saw one of the best video converter available for linux. So I thought I should share it                           
     The software is called 'Handbrake' ,really flexible and easy to use. It ii an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder, available for MacOS X, Linux and Windows.
Install handbrake :
connect to internet and open up command prompt then type the following command(or paste it)
   sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stebbins/handbrake-releases && sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install handbrake-gtk

Supported Sources:

  • Most common multimedia files that libavformat and libavcodec support.
  • Any DVD or Bluray-like source which is NOT copy-protected. (removal of copy protection is not supported) 

Misc features:

  • Chapter selection, Chapter Markers
  • Subtitles
    • Vobsub and Closed Captions
    • SRT import and passthru
    • SSA passthru or burn-in (experimental)
  • Constant Quality or Average Bitrate Video Encoding
  • Support for VFR, CFR and VFR
  • Video: Deinterlacing, Decomb, Detelecine, Cropping and scaling
  • Live Video Preivew

  • File format: MP4(M4V) and MKV
  • Video: MPEG-4(ffmpeg), H.264(x264), or Theora(libtheora)
  • Audio: AAC, CoreAudio AAC (OS X Only), MP3, or Vorbis. AC-3 pass-through, DTS pass-thorugh (MKV only) 


    ~~~~~eNjOy ~~~~ 

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Customize your Desktop panel in Ubuntu

  Hi friends ...most of us are not merely impressed by the desktop panel provided by the Ubuntu by default(desktop panel is something that is in ubuntu similar to the taskbar in windows).Lets us tweak it to get a good appearance for the desktop
Ubuntu includes a top panel and a bottom panel by default. Most of us prefer to
keep only one panel at the bottom just like the Windows Taskbar, perform the
following steps :

➢ Delete the bottom panel: right-click over it and click "Delete This Panel".
    Move the top panel to bottom: right-click over it, select "Properties" and
    change Orientation from "Top" to "Bottom".
➢ Add running program buttons: right-click the panel, select "Add to Panel",
    scroll down and select "Window List", click "Add".
➢ Replace the Menu Bar ("Applications-Places-System") with the "Main
    Menu" to save space in the panel:
    1.Right-click the "Menu Bar" and select "Remove From Panel".
    2.Right-click the panel, select "Add to Panel" and choose "Main Menu", click
    3.Right-click the items (Firefox, etc) and untick "Lock to Panel".
    4.Right-click the added "Main Menu", select "Move" to relocate it to the far
➢ Pin Programs to the Panel :
    Frequently used programs can be easily pinned to the panel.
    1. Browse to the program from "Applications" or "Main Menu".
    2. Drag and drop the program to an empty space in the panel, or right-click the
    program and select "Add this launcher to panel".
    3. Right click the program icon, select "Move" and drop it to a new place in the
    4. Right click the program icon and select "Lock to Panel".
➢ Set Fully Transparent Panel:
   Go to Applications (or Main Menu) > Accessories > Terminal.
   1. Enter cp -R /usr/share/themes/Ambiance ~/.themes/
   2. Enter gedit ~/.themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/apps/gnome-panel.rc (for Ubuntu
       11.04 or 10.10) OR gedit ~/.themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/gtkrc (for Ubuntu
       10.04), to open the file with gedit.
   3. Search for this line bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "img/panel.png" (for
       Ubuntu 11.04 or 10.10) OR bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "panel_bg.png"
      (for Ubuntu 10.04)
  4. Comment out the line by placing a # at the beginning of the line, like this:
             # bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = ...
  5. Save the file.
  6. Go to System > Preferences > Appearance, switch to the other theme and
      then back to the Ambiance theme.
  7. Then adjust panel transparency in panel properties.

➢ Change Font Type and Color of Panel Clock
    The font type and color of the panel clock follow the windows
    text in a theme by default. In particular, if the font color is black and
    shown on a dark background through a transparent panel, you can't
    read the clock clearly, but you can tweak it by changing the font color. And  
    you can define the font type for your panel clock
    as well.
   1.Open up the text editor Gedit and paste the following code:
         style "my-panel-clock"
           fg[NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF"
           font_name = "DS-Digital Bold 16"
         widget "*.clock-applet-button.*" style "my-panel-clock"
   2. Save the file as .gtkrc-2.0 (including the dot in front of the filename) inside     
       your home directory /home/your_user_name.
   3. Log out and log back in (OR enter killall gnome-panel into the Terminal) to
       see the change.
Note :
   The DS-Digital font can be downloaded here. After downloading, unzip
   the file and install the font into the system for use

     The panels are much more flexible than the Windows Taskbar in that   
      many  items  in the panels can be easily added, removed or configured.

    Enjoy :-)

Friday, 8 July 2011

Know Your Hardware Information

              Hi Everybody , Here I am going to discuss something about your system
configurations..precisely hardware configurations. It is important to know about the hardware configurations of your computer, All of us know how to see the complete hardware information about computer using device manager...Then what about Linux ?
How we can find all the information about the computer we are using..Lets learn two simple methods to do so ,We are able to do know all the information we need about our hardware..

METHODE 1: Geeky way (using command line)
             If you like to use the command interface to do such a job, to know about your system information completely we can use the following commands ..Open command prompt and type the following to get system information.

                 sudo lshw

to save the report as an html file in your desktop type :

                 sudo lshw -html >systeminfo.html
                 sudo mv systeminfo.html Desktop
METHODE 2: Using Hard info software (GUI METHODE)

   HardInfo can gather information about your system’s hardware and ,operating system, perform benchmarks,and generate printable reports either in HTML
or in plain text formats. Currently it knows about PCI,ISA PnP, USB, IDE, SCSI, Serial and parallel port devices. It will be better for normal users.

Install HardInfo :

          Since it doesn't come default with Ubuntu u need to install it ,For that connect to INTERNET and open terminal(Ctr+Alt+T) and type the following code

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                  sudo apt-get install hardinfo           -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             To take hardinfo goto Applications-->System tools-->Hardinfo Once it opens you should see similar to the following screen shot You can see the system Summary, OS details ,Hardware Informations or any information
about your system on clicking them. You can also take a printable version of your
system information by clicking Generate Report tab .
Enjoy :-)

Friday, 1 July 2011

Mount Drives automatically when your computer starts

                        In Ubuntu OS all the partitions in the system do not get automatically mounted at startup like windows . We can mount the partitions whenever we needed. It’s not a bad idea to enable auto-mount of hard drive at system startup. That makes your accessibility better .Here we discuss about a method to do so.
                      PySDM is a simple ‘storage device manager’ application (based on PyGTK) that allows full customization of hard drive mount points. To install you can search for ‘pysdm’ in synaptic package manager or Type the following command(s) given below– at Terminal
     sudo apt-get install pysdm

      Then open it from Applications -> System -> Storage Device Manager or simply search for it. Now you are ready to customize it – just select the drive or partitions and  click on mount or any other options that you want to configure. Be careful, while handling with your hard drive.
Enjoy :-)