
Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Handling Folders and Files with Linux command Line -Final Part

Now remaining are just 2 operations .Copying and moving files and folders.You can copy a file using cp command
Inorder to copy a file to a destination we can use cp command.usage is listed as follows: 
   cp  <file to copy >  <destination>
Moving Files or folders with mv command. 
   mv  <source file >  <destination>
Now you can handle your files and folders easily.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Handling Folders and Files with Linux command Line[part2]

In the previous part I just explained 3 commands that will help you to navigate through files and folders in your system.In this section let us discuss how to perform some actions like create, rename, remove folders using command line.
Creating a folder using the command:
The command used to create a folder is mkdir .Open up the terminal and type :
                                 mkdir myfolder

 A new folder named myfolder will be there in your home directory.You can make folders anywhere in your system.But you must mention the directory address for your folder with folder name otherwise the folder will be created in the current directory.
Eg: to make a folder in the directory /tmp use the following command.

                                 mkdir /tmp/myfolder

Extra note : Normally your system will not display any message after creation of the folder. If you add the parameter -v to the mkdir command you will get a message after the creation of the folder (eg: mkdir myfolder -v)
Removing a file or folder
The Linux kernel consider folder and file as same .You can remove any file or folder using the command rm .
the usage of the command is rm  [option]  <file> .
Here are the important options you might use.
 -f    (forcefully removes file with no prompting)
 -v   (Explains what is being done)
 -r   (Removes files recursively in a directory.It is used when the folder contains subfolders.)
I just mentioned the syntax above. But you need just a single command to remove a folder that is
             rm  -rf  /tmp/myfolder

here '-rf' is the option with the command which says that files will be removed recursively and forcefully. And /tmp/myfolder will be the folder we want to delete.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Handling Folders and Files with Linux command Line[part1]

As we know Linux command Line is the powerful tool for a user. First of all let us discuss about 3 basic commands which helps you to manage files and folders.
      1. pwd
      2. ls
      3. cd
pwd :
This command prints the present working directory. That is if you want to know actual location where you are standing in your terminal section ,just type pwd . It makes your navigation better.
ls  :
The ls command is used to list the files and folders in the current directory .It is similar to the 'dir' command in Windows. It is important to mention about some parameters those are used along with ls to make this mapping efficient .

    1. ls  -a
    The above command will list all the files and folders including the hidden
    2. ls  -r
    This command will list the contents in reverse order.
    3. ls  *.txt
    This will list all the files of type .txt .You can change the extension say .jpeg
    for picture type files.

cd :
The simple command which is used to navigate to another directory expanded as change directory. The syntax is cd   <directory>
eg: cd /usr/bin will move the current directory to /usr/bin.
Note : You can navigate to the previous directory by the command 'cd ..'